Unveiling of PEACE IN SOUTH EAST PROJECT PISE-P- A Political Jamboree- Dr. Stephen Ukpai Ohafia (KSJI)


The recent unveiling of the Peace in South East Project (PISE-P) sparked a wave of mixed reactions and critical observations from Dr. Stephen Ukpai Ohafia (KSJI), shedding light on the event's nuances and missed opportunities.

The event, orchestrated by Deputy Speaker Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu in Bende Local Government of Abia State, garnered the presence of esteemed figures including the Executive Governor of Abia State, Dr. Alex Otti, Senator Hope Uzodima from Imo State, Chairman of the South-east Governor's Forum, and representatives from the remaining states within the southeastern region of Nigeria. Dignitaries such as the Vice President of Nigeria, the Deputy Senate President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, alongside traditional rulers from across the country, graced the occasion with their presence.

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Dr. Ukpai Ohafia observed the ceremony with a sense of disappointment, labeling it a "political jamboree." Despite acknowledging the significance of the Peace in South East Project, he highlighted a glaring omission—the absence of addressing the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. In Dr. Ukpai Ohafia's analysis, the socio-political and economic turmoil in the South East hinges significantly on resolving Kanu's situation, a pivotal element that went unaddressed amidst the grandeur of the event.

Drawing parallels to the swift release of Sunday Igboho following the collective efforts of Yoruba traditional and political leaders, Dr. Ohafia emphasized that the presence of high-profile dignitaries at the PISE-P event should have served as a compelling appeal to authorities for Kanu's release.

Reflecting on past advocacy efforts, including appeals to National Assembly members and presidential candidates, Dr. Ukpai Ohafia stressed the critical role of Deputy Speaker Benjamin Kalu, being not just a representative from the South East but also from the same state as Kanu. He firmly believes that Kanu's release holds the key to achieving 80% of peace in the South East.

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Expressing concerns on behalf of the Igbo Youth Consultative Forum (IYCF), Dr. Ohafia cautioned against politicizing the South East crisis, urging political leaders to rise above using it merely for relevance and visibility. Instead, he called for a concerted effort, a unified voice from South East governors, monarchs, National Assembly members, and all stakeholders, to push for Kanu's immediate release through political means.

Dr. Ukpai Ohafia proposed Operation Release Nnamdi Kanu, underscoring the need for a collective plea to the President, emphasizing that Kanu's freedom could be the catalyst for substantial peace in the South East. Ultimately, his message resonates with a plea for a focused, concerted effort from political leaders to genuinely address the region's underlying issues and secure lasting peace, transcending political theatrics.

Read Full Statement Below,

Unveiling of PEACE IN SOUTH EAST PROJECT PISE-P- A Political Jamboree- Dr. Stephen Ukpai Ohafia (KSJI) 

I watch in dismay the display, the proclamation & unveiling of peace in South East project organized by the Deputy speaker Rt. Hon. Benjamin kalu in Bende Local Government of Abia state which saw the presence of the Executive Governor of Abia state Dr. Alex Otti, his Imo state counterpart Senator Hope Uzodima, who is the Chairman of South-east Governor's Forum and Representatives of the other three states governors that made up of south eastern state of Nigeria and other dignitaries including the vice president of federal Republic of Nigeria, the deputy senate president, the speaker of house of Representatives also including traditional rulers accross the country.

The program will be beautiful to be termed the home coming & celebration of our great son, Rt. Hon. Barr. Benjamin kalu, the deputy Speaker of federal house of Representatives and number 6(six) citizen of the country other than bringing in South East Peace Project without mentioning the possible means of releasing Mazi Nnamdi kanu which is the basic element of south East socio-political & economic crisis.

Looking deeply the high placed people present and the acknowledgement of chieftaincy award to the president which was good, it should have being used to seek political solution to the release of Mazi Nnamdi kanu, the Leader of the indigenous people of Biafra( IPOB). 

It can be recalled that when Sunday igboho was arrested, it took the coming together of Yoruba traditional & political leaders to release him within a short reasonable time which to me with the number of dignitaries who came to unveil the so called " PEACE IN SOUTH EAST PROJECT (PISE-P) is enough to Apeal to all Authorities to implement the release of Mazi Nnamdi kanu.

In 2016 I wrote to all the National Assembly members of igbo extractions as National Chairman of IGBO YOUTH CONSULTATIVE FORUM stating reasons for quick release of Mazi Nnamdi kanu which is basically for Peace and Prosperity of the South Eastern of Nigeria and Nigeria at Large.

It is high time we stop playing politics with everything. I enjoyed the sweet words that Governor Otti used in celebrating an illustrious son of Abia and in reciprocation the beautiful words from the deputy Speaker, this will any way contribute to a great synergy for development of Abia but not in any way restoring Peace in south East. It would have been too loud if everybody including the South East governor's, monarchs, national assembly members and all other critical stakeholders stand firm in one voice to seek for immediate release of Mazi Nnamdi kanu.

I can equally recalled as the national Chairman of YPP NATIONAL ASSEMBLY CANDIDATES CAUCUS, we make cases for the release of Mazi Nnamdi kanu to virtually all the Presidential Candidates we were privileged to meet  but the response was not encouraging, Hence the emergence of the Deputy speaker who is not only from south East but from the same state as of Mazi Nnamdi kanu should priotized this. I am of the opinion that when Mazi Nnamdi kanu is released, the Peace of south East is 80% achieved.

Unbehalf of IGBO YOUTH CONSULTATIVE FORUM (IYCF) we are warning our political leaders to stop forthwith in making firms and relevancies with the crisis in south East rather should seat up to tackle the problems ones and for all, they should speak up, they should act, they should use all Political solution in bringing a lasting peace in South East zone thereby achieving the aim of PEACE IN SOUTH EAST PROJECT (PISE-P) not using the crisis for Political Jamboree & relevancy.

I suggest we rather float OPERATION RELEASE NNAMDI KANU . our president will use his good heart to grant us the release being convinced of reasonable peace in South East.


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