Behind Closed Doors: Explosive Details Emerge from Governor Ott Meeting With Eze Godwin Kanu Idei (Eze Aro)



We wouldn't have bothered to lend credence to the circulating document which was submitted to the panel instituted by Abia State Government for what they termed dispute. This clarification has become necessary to put things in right perspective with a view to keeping Nde Aro abreast of remote circumstances leading to the circulating document. We want to state as follows:

1. That His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Abia State, Dr. Alex Chioma Otti first invited His Majesty, Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke for a meeting on Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 at his Nvosi, Isiala Ngwa Home/Office. The meeting was cordial and fruitful as the Governor sued for peace and pledged to pursue same. He promised a follow-up meeting which to us was a welcome development and the right path by the performing Governor. 

2. On Monday 4th December, 2023, His Majesty sent an appreciation message to the Governor for stepping in to resolve the imbroglio. His Excellency responded and invited His Majesty to another meeting on Wednesday, 6th December, 2023. His Majesty sent a humble response to the Governor regretting his unavailability for the meeting as he was already traditionally committed on that day and pleaded for a fresh date and time at the Governor's instance. 

3. Strangely, on that same Wednesday that he was to see the Governor being 6th December, 2023, a second invitation letter came inviting him to appear before a Panel instituted by the Governor on Tuesday 12th December, 2023 at Umuahia on circumstances surrounding his crowning. It was a huge shock from a Governor that wanted peace. However, that didn't deter His Majesty. It's pertinent to state that His Majesty on that same Wednesday held Council meeting with Nde Eze, Arianzu and Nde Ogo where traditional rites were performed. 

4.On Friday evening of December 8th, 2023 His Majesty received an invite from His Excellency to Nvosi, Isiala Ngwa for a meeting at 1pm on Sunday, 10th December, 2023. His Majesty was appreciative of the invite in view of his earlier request for the meeting to be rescheduled. 

5. His Majesty was at the Governor's home at 12:30p.m for the 1p.m meeting on Sunday, 10th December, 2023. On arrival, he met Governor's absence but saw Prince Pastor Nwamazi Ebere already seated presumably for same meeting. The two cousins exchanged warm pleasantries and spent time together talking as the Governor emerged at about 4:20 p.m with his entourage. Lunch was well served with drinks but His Majesty according to tradition didn't partake in both food and drinks but his cousin did. The Governor even tried to find out from His Majesty if he was offended in any way that he didn't want to join the table for which His Majesty politely explained that he was fine but also failed to tell the Governor that it was in line with tradition that Eze Aro doesn't eat and drink in public because of the dignity and value of the throne. 

6. At exactly 5:00 p.m, His Excellency went into close door meeting with His Majesty and Pastor Ebere. That meeting lasted for four hours and forty-five minutes. Whatever that transpired was amongst them. 

7. His Majesty emerged from the meeting and was visibly traumatized due to the intimidation and threats from His Excellency who didn't hide his disapproval of him sitting on the throne but he managed to be strong for his Team and Umu Aro. The humiliation, bashing and degradation of His Majesty by the Governor occurred in front of Pastor Ebere who was all smiles. The Governor's personal preference for Pastor Ebere was never in doubt during the said meeting. His Majesty left Isiala Ngwa for Arochukwu at about 10:30pm though the Governor provided adequate security for His Majesty's entourage. 

8. Summary of the meeting was captured in a document put together by His Majesty. That document was signed in front of the Panel and submitted same to the  Governor's Panel there and then on Tuesday, 12th December, 2023. How the document found its way to the public space remains a mystery. However, while we acknowledge that the content of the circulating document is a truism, His Majesty boldly informed the Panel that he met His Excellency on Sunday and he (Governor) told him (His Majesty) that the Panel decision will be determined by him. He ended up disgracing His Majesty before his anointed candidate, Pastor Ebere. Time and space is available for Pastor Ebere to authenticate the veracity of the document if he's truly a man of God called by God and not by man. 

9. We wish to reassure Umu Aro that His Majesty is calm, focused and carrying out his traditional duties. The traditional rulers (Eze Ibom Isii and Eze Eze Ezeagwu) with Eze Otusi and 16 out of 19 villages are solidly behind him. Much as government have control over activities of traditional Institution, their emergence is completely outside the scope of any government especially Eze Aro of Arochukwu which is patterned after the British Monarchical system. 90% of Umu Aro is with His Majesty (Go and Verify). His acceptance is overwhelming and the love for him is sizzling.

10. Umu Aro have spoken. We have a King that was appropriately chosen and crowned. The reception and celebration still holds on Sunday, 24th December, 2023. All is set for the event. Eze Aro is not crowned in Crusade, Government House, by Emergency Kingmakers, National Television, Newspapers or endorsed by traditional strange fellows. The choice of Eze Aro is not determined by deep pocket or name dropping. His Majesty is still ready and available to go to Awada Aro to swear. The okpu have been kpud and it's unkpupuable. We passionately ask His Excellency and his uninformed agents in his government to please allow peace to reign. Let's not set Aro on avoidable fire that will lead to balkanization of our beloved Kingdom. Your Excellency, please reign in your overzealous aides of Arochukwu extraction bent on altering our cherished values. His Majesty is committed to supporting your purposeful Abia State Government.

11. Eze Arochukwu, His Majesty, Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke wishes Umu Aro coming back for Christmas and New Year journey mercies and fruitful yuletide. 

 Media and Publicity Committee. 

 15th December, 2023 .

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